Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisations, Kilkattalai Samithi, Kanchi-North, Tamilnadu, India.

Educational Wing Activities

Education should inculcate in students the spirit of self reliance and self confidence. The first thing in life is self reliance. Second is self confidence, third is self sacrifice, fourth is self realization. With self-realization, life finds its final fulfillment" -Sri Sathya Sai Baba
The Bal Vikas programme is taught through the use of five techniques. They are: Silent sitting/ guided visualization Story-telling Prayers Group singing Group Activities

In order to help the gurus to carry out their work to the best of their abilities training camps are held throughout the year, either at the samithi, district or the central level. There is a group of resource persons who willingly come forward to share their skills and knowledge in order to improve the quality of teaching and hence, add value to the entire programme. Competitions, cultural programmes, spiritual outings, value based activities, community prayers and service to society are some of the activities that are conducted alongside regular classes. These activities encourage a sense of unity, awareness of social responsibility, self confidence, courage of conviction, appreciation and awareness of one's own tradition and culture and most importantly, faith and trust in God. Again, in the words of Baba: "Daiva preethi or love for God Paapa bheethi or fear of sin Sangha Neethi or morality in society & Love all, serve all. Help ever, hurt never."

Educational Wing

November, 2019

Balvikas details.

End of Education is charecter.

  • பிரிவு I
  • class="icon_gurus_div"> பிரிவு II
  • பிரிவு III

    When Bhagavan declared His Divine Avathar at the age of fourteen, He visualized a world of peace and happiness. It is His concern for the good of entire mankind and for the re-establishment of 'Sanathana Dharma' that He took human form . In 1947 Bhagawan declared that His Sanathana Dharma rests on the pillars of SATHYA, DHARMA, SHANTI, PREMA and AHIMSA. These are the Primordial Principles of Sri Sathya Sai Balvikas programme, which Bhagawan launched in 1969.

    Balvikas is not just an education for children. It is the essence of all spiritual knowledge. It is Educare for Loka Vikas. The ultimate aim of Balavikas is to let the child realize that Divinity dwells in him. The child is ignorant that he or she is Divine though pure at heart, soft in physique, tender in mind and nascent in intellect. What you sow, so you will reap. It is here that the teaching techniques assume importance. All the techniques are meant to achieve the two important goals mentioned above. Essence of education and knowledge have been clearly emphasized by Swami as The end of education is character' The end of knowledge is Love For each age group, from young children to teen-age youth the Bal Vikas Guru takes on a specific role linked to psychological development of the child. For Group I, it is that of a mother: discipline established and good behaviour is positively rewarded. In Group II, the teacher takes on the formal teacher's role and the children develop a sense of order and respect for rules. Finally in group III, the teacher is a friend helping the children to develop firm principles and become actively aware of their conscience. In Group I learning is attained through 'doing and making', in Group-II 'doing and thinking' and in Group III 'Planning and Achieving'.

    BALVIKAS at Anand Sai Temple/ Samithi Centre - Sunday-9.30am

    Thenmozhi Nagar, kilkattalai Samithi Saturday 5.00pm to 6.00pm.

    Sai Padam